eBook illustration – What are the 5 best eBook illustration services?

 Does writing eBooks sound amazing to you? To have the power of making people laugh, cry, smile, and angry at the same time. With just words to make people fall in love with the characters, you built in the eBook. Even sometimes people end up falling for the eBook writer as well (cool, right?) Well, eBook writing has always been a fascinating gift to writers. Writing eBooks is like that magic wand that makes the writer feel so much better and happier. Now you can imagine if writing makes writers happiest, then how the readers would feel. They would be at the top of the world. 

Okay, so we have discussed how writing feels like. Now let's get going to the illustration part.
Who doesn't like an illustration? Even if it's just a doodle, it's good to look at the pictures while reading. Some writers even use maps in their eBooks if it's the story's requirement. Just to give it a real feel.
These eBook illustrations catch your reader's attention, and they get more engrossed in the story. Illustration helps them visualize the story. So, to keep your readers hooked to your eBook, you need eBook illustration services. 

Now, what are those eBook illustration services, you may ask? Well, you needn't worry because we have penned down those services for you. 

eBook cover Illustration 

Well, you visited a website and went shopping for eBooks. There were a variety of eBooks. Which eBook caught your attention? The one with a plain dull cover or the one with a sparkly and innovative cover? Of course, the innovative one. That's what readers look for when searching for eBooks. So, to capture your reader's attention, you need to have graphic designing skills because, without that cover, you won't be able to gain readers. Don't have the skills? Don't worry; eBook illustration services have got you covered. With the help of these services, you will have an eye-catching eBook cover. The perfect font, image, and colors will be used to make your eBook stand out, among others. The service providers will even encourage you to add a tagline under the title so that your readers get a little insight into what they will be experiencing when they start reading your eBook. 

eBook layout illustration 

Once your eBook is finished with the plain text, you can hire designers for eBook layout illustrations. eBook illustration services offer three types of layout options 

•    Single page spread
•    Double page spread
•    Vignette 

Well, why should you go for eBook layout illustration, right? It can guide your reader's eye to the narration. These service providers also ensure that the layout isn't standing in between the way of your text. They adjust them in such a way that your text doesn't get blocked. 

Comic eBook illustration 

Another one of the eBook illustration services is the comic eBook illustration. The eBook illustrators are able to make the right blend of creativeness and knowledge. They can even design comic strips or a full-page comic for every age, children to adults. To ensure that they design the best comic illustration, they use software and technology.  

Cartoon illustration 

Well, have you read a cartoon eBook? If yes, then did you see those beautiful and amazing illustrations? Every picture was crafted with so much detail. That's why cartoon eBooks capture children's attention so much. These detailed pictures are captivating with a touch of reality in them. It's one of the best eBook illustration services you can go for if you create a cartoon eBook. 

Picture eBook illustration 

Have you ever read a picture eBook to your younger one? Did it stop them from crying or capture their attention? If no then my friend, you bought the wrong picture eBook. To keep the little ones entertained, parents usually go for picture eBooks since children can't read. And children are more attracted towards pictures than plain boring texts. So, if you are planning on creating a picture eBook for children, then hire the best graphic designer and avail their picture eBook illustration services. They will illustrate every type of picture with different styles and mediums as well.

Want a bonus tip? They aren't that costly! 

These were the five best illustration services you should avail of. They will make your eBook stand out. So, what's stopping you now? Go for it!


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