eBook Publishing Tips for Launching a Mega Profitable eBook

 You have finally followed the inner voice and have accomplished each character's desires living inside your head. You put them onto paper; you let those characters live a little. You gave a new story to the world. New inspiration to your readers. Some dreamy fictional characters, a new dream, and a new lesson. You have finally accomplished the dreams you have been dreaming. Your first eBook is in front of you, ready to be published. You listened to your heart and followed the stories inside your head and now see where you are. All the struggles and hindrances were worth it. The nights where you stayed up late at night writing your eBook. Trying to come up with something new, something exciting. All those days where you emailed different eBook writers asking for their advice. When you made your eBook's social media page and gathered people from everywhere. All the blood, sweat, and tears you put in that eBook will be paid off once you step your foot in eBook publications. 

Now all those magical things you wrote are caged into your eBook, and that eBook is in your laptop. So, let's take a step forward and see what eBook publication companies in USA say about eBook publications. 

We have penned down a few eBook publishing tips for you. See them and learn how you can focus on the publication of that amazing eBook. 

Perfection perfection and perfection

When it comes to publishing, you have to make sure that the eBook is perfect. The material you are providing your readers should be well written. The quality should be top-notch. The material written inside should be captivating; whether you are publishing a thriller eBook or a diet eBook, the quality matters. When you publish an eBook, your readers expect highly of you. They expect no mistakes from your side. They want interesting and exciting stuff from you. They have been longing for an exceptional eBook from you, so when you don't fall completely onto their expectation, they react. That's why it's the first rule in eBook publications that your eBook should be perfect. 

According to the eBook publication companies in USA, an eBook writer shouldn't publish the eBook soon after its finished. Giving your eBook a little time to edit and go through some honest reviews will help in publications. Publishing it directly right after it's finished can cause problems in your sales. Your eBook needs editing and proof-reading. 

Don't be impatient, and let your eBook go through a series of editions. 

Sparkle on the outside

Amazing writing skills are needed for eBook writing but remember; people will only pick your eBook if it's as good on the outside as good as the inside. So, you also have to be an amazing graphic designer.
It's a fact that people judge books by their cover. There's no denying in it, right? So why not make your eBook's cover the best one? Spray a little sparkle over it and decorate it with glitter. Make it eye-catching and jaw-dropping. Try something that is captivating. You can choose moving images for your eBook cover. It's a big advantage of eBook publications. You can select moving images that will grab your reader's attention. You can also try animated figures for your eBook. Why not make animated figures of each character? That way, it will be easy for your readers to imagine the facial features of your characters. Plus, it will be something new in the market, and the word of your eBook will get around due to it. If you don't have the skills of a graphic designer, then don't worry. Hire the best graphic designer and pitch them your ideas. Then let them do wonders to your eBook. According to eBook publication, companies in USA eBook covers are the first thing to capture your reader's attention, so make it big and sparkly/unique. 

Publishing platforms 

Another rule of eBook publications is the selection of publishing platforms. There are many eBook publishing platforms. So, what do you want to choose? We have the following publishing platforms for you

•    Google playbooks
•    iBooks(Apple)
•    Barnes & Noble press
•    Kobo Writing Life

Choose a platform, see where you will find your desired audience, and publish your eBook there. 

The metadata 

Once you have improved your eBook writing, made an exclusive eBook cover, and chosen a publishing platform, you are ready to put your metadata together. For example, when you choose a platform, let's assume you chose Barnes & Nobel press; it will let you upload your manuscript right after you have formed your account. Other publishing platforms like KDP will ask you to fill out the forms first before letting you publish your eBook.

You should have the following items with you before the eBook publications. 

•    The title
•    Book description
•    Categories that match your genre and niche

These are the things that are necessary to make your eBook visible on these publishing platforms. Different publishing platforms will ask for all this information for your eBook and may also ask the keywords for your eBook. These keywords will help them identify which age of audience they have to target. 

With this metadata, it will be easy to drive traffic towards your eBook. Once you have your audience's attention, the sales will be higher, resulting in high profits. 

Metadata is a crucial part of eBook publications. 

eBook formatting 

Once you have edited and reedited your eBook and perfected the prose, you need to format your eBook. The format that most eBook publishers use is the EPUB. Convert your perfect-looking text to EPUB.
Other publishing platforms such as Amazon will allow you to publish the file with various formats such as .docx or PDF. Amazon then converts those files into their formats, which makes your text look lousy. There will be line break issues, visual quirks, and spacing strangeness. That's the reason why eBook publications recommend converting your eBook file yourself. 

Uploading your eBook files 

Once you have formatted your eBook, it time to upload your eBook files. You chose your publishing platform. You have made an amazing eye-catching eBook cover, so now what are you waiting for? Upload that eBook file onto your publishing platform. Uploading them will take a few minutes, so don't leave the page and go somewhere else. Stick on that page until your eBook gets uploaded. After publishing, you will be able to see preview your work to ensure that everything is picture-perfect.

Pricing you eBook 

Another eBook publication rule is setting the right price for your eBook.
It's said that if it's your first eBook, then set it up for free. Let the people read it cost-free and build your audience first. This way, you will gather your readers and have a fanbase when you decide to publish your second eBook. 

Remember when setting your eBook's price that your royalty rates will change according to the publishing platforms. The royalty rates of Amazon for titles range from $2.99-$9.99. 

You can also offer discounts to your readers when your eBook has reached a certain amount of people.
Now everything is set up for your eBook publications. We discussed all the points with you that were essential for eBook publishing. Now, what are you waiting for? Go and hit the publish button on the platform and let your eBook hit the readers. Let your eBook blow away the readers from your exceptional writing and great ideas.


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