eBook Marketing Strategies - How to Get to eBook Stardom in Double-Quick Time

 Its Saturday night, and you are sitting in your room; your laptop is on your lap the eBook you have been working on day and night is sitting in front of you; completed and edited. You have the urge to go and publish it on the publishing platforms. You have even listed down the platforms you wish to publish on; amazon, kindle, Anystories, and Wattpad. You now want all your hard work to pay off. You want readers to read what an exceptional story you have written. So, you direct yourself towards a new tab and type in the name "Kindle." Once the website opens, it shows the log-in and sign-up option. Being a way ahead, you had already created an account. So, you log in and start with the ritual chores your publishing needs. You have settled everything in, and now you are about to hit the "publish it" button. STOP right there! 

Rewind the time. Go back to the days you planned on writing an eBook. What do you see there? You planned the whole eBook before writing it, right?  You mapped out the outlines, plots, scenarios, and ending. You didn't take the risk of directly diving into writing and writing spontaneously because you knew this way you will only have an eBook full of confusion. So now, when you are thinking of publishing it, did you map out your eBook marketing strategies? No? Then how come you think your eBook will become famous among other outstanding eBooks? It won't market itself. That's why we have a few eBook marketing strategies you can try to get your eBook up high in the sky in lesser time.
According to various eBook marketing agencies in USA, these hacks will get your eBook in the spotlight. 

Don't embarrass yourself – review it! 

Your eBook needs reviews for its growth. Before publishing it, get it reviewed by your family, co-workers, or friends. They will read it as a reader and tell you what they wish it contained or how off something sounded. Their brutal honesty will only help you grow, so don't ever let them struck your heart (and break it into pieces). The reason why ebook review is important before publishing is that you will know what mistakes you made and what you missed to add-in. Getting it reviewed will save you a lot from embarrassing yourself in front of many people. But how it comes in eBook marketing? Once you have an eBook, it will be close to no mistakes; it will generate more sales, and with more sales comes more audience. 

eBook covers are your savior 

Did you ever see an eBook with such a sparkly and catchy cover that it caught your attention, and you ended up reading it only to realize how exasperating it was. But the cover did the work for them, didn't it? It made you read it! 

We aren't saying to only focus on the cover; the writing inside has to be good, too but covers works as a savior. It saves your eBook from drowning in the sea of boring covered eBooks. People are attracted to good looking things (you know people as well), and if your eBook has an amazing cover, then it will get the same attention as that good looking person in high school we read about in books. It's one of the best eBook marketing tactics that you should apply.

And yes, you can make your eBook covers as moving images as well. Since you are making an eBook, then you have the advantage of using GIFs as your covers. You can make them sparkly; a combination of GIF and glitter can never go wrong. 

Not a fan of glitters? No problemo, you can make animated covers. It's so much in fashion these days. Hire a graphic designer and let them do wonders for your eBook. 

Tell them a little and watch the curiosity grow 

Before publishing your eBook, you should gather your audience. Allow them a little sneak peek inside your eBook, and then let the curiosity take over the control of their minds. One of the best eBook marketing tip it is as said by eBook marketing agencies in USA. 

We can help you with the sneak peek session. Make a social media page of your eBook and gather your readers. On your social media page, post about your eBook. Tell your audience that you are a new fish in the pond and you need help to feel at home in this new pond. Let your audience know what kind of an eBook you are writing. Once you have gathered enough audience, post a few excerpts from your eBook; make them short, and don't give away too much. Once people are interested in, then you can post your eBook cover with no title. Later you can post the title as well once you have got your audience excited. 

Don't stick to one format

There will be readers who will be reading from their tablets, mobile phones, and laptops. So, make it easy for every reader. One of the greatest tips of eBook marketing is to keep your format options open. Don't stick to one format. For you, there are various formats such as PDF, .epub, and Mobi. Make your eBook available in all formats. 

Conversations with your audience won't hurt 

As an eBook writer, you should stay in touch with your audience. You should talk to them and get to know them. It's a great way to build your image as an eBook writer. Once you have your audience's attention, then your eBook will also make it in the spotlight in no time. It's a great way for eBook marketing because once people know you, they will know your eBook as well. 

By holding conversations with your readers, you will get to know what they like and dislike about your ebook concept. You will get to know what they expect from you, and trust me; it will help you with the current eBook you are working on and help you with future eBooks growing inside your head.
Now you know why we stopped you from hitting that "publish it" button. It's better to have an eBook marketing strategy planned, and for it to work, you would have to work hard and keep up with your social media presence. 

If you have followed all the above eBook marketing tricks, you are good to publish your eBook. Good luck! We would love to read your eBook someday!


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